It is almost impossible to describe Philip Claeys, chef and owner of two-star restaurant De Jonkman in one word. A very solid West-Fleming, ex-servant to cooking legends Sergio Herman and Geert Van Hecke, personal friend of Patrick Lefevre and therefore also a strong cobbled cyclist himself. But also a man of ideals and values. Family first and let’s try to save the planet through The Northsea Chefs, which he founded. Pleased to meet you: Filip Claeys.
On the evening before our interview, Filip sent us his CV. As if it didn’t even matter. Were it not for the fact that his CV reads as follows. Born in Bruges in the blessed year of 1974, under the good star of father Bob Claeys. Father Bob would later prove to be a great source of inspiration for Filip. After all, from an early age, Filip learned the trade in dad Bob’s one-star restaurant. It would be a virus that never left him…
Secteur Pavées 4 étoiles
The road to his own restaurant De Jonkman was one of hard work and 4-star cobbled lanes, to use Filip’s terminology of his favourite race. In the process, he was able to distinguish himself several times and be crowned with glowing titles and prizes. The first Michelin star came quickly after being open for only 1 year. After that: 2008: young top chef Flanders (Gault Millau), 18/20 in Gault Millau in 2011, a second Michelin star in 2012, Gault Millau chef of the year 2015 and Culinary Innovator award with his Northsea Chefs!
Day Filip, what an impressive course man! Who did you learn the most from?
“I have actually learned from everyone, young and old. I’ve actually been lucky enough to learn from three different generations. Of course, they each had their own style, techniques and approach. But that is what makes it unique. Filip’s eyes sparkle when he talks about his childhood. “I actually had a very good childhood. My father, Bob Claeys, had his own Michelin restaurant La Souricière. When I was about 9 years old, I already joined in stirring the pots. The passion for cooking was literally instilled in me at an early age. I owe a lot to my father, who really encouraged me to continue cooking.
“After that, I was lucky enough to be able to work with top people such as Geert Van Hecke and Sergio Herman. I learned so much from Geert… cooking, cooking times, the classics,… (fn.: Geert Van Hecke was the owner of the three-star restaurant De Karmeliet in Bruges and is today still the inspirer of the one-star restaurant Zet’Joe). Geert is truly incredible and rightly a icon of Belgian cuisine. You should know that Geert still makes his own puff pastry. Who does that nowadays? One of the most beautiful dishes I made there is puff pastry with truffles and salsify. Delicious! By the way, my first dish that I made with him was a tartare of mackerel with poached egg and caviar. Sublime”
Sergio Herman has also left an incredible mark on you? Describe that, working at and with Sergio?
“The period with Sergio was really indescribable. I spent almost 6 years there together with other top chefs in the making Kobe Desramault (Chambre Séparée) and Pieter Lonneville (now Restaurant Tête Pressé in Sint Michiels Brugge). We really went through fire for each other. Sergio was also a great help. Everyone worked there as if it was their own business. For me, Oud Sluis was synonymous with creativity, structure and perseverance. Great”
But then the big dream was lurking behind the corner: opening your own restaurant?
“Yes, that was definitely the big dream. Of course I had seen it from a young age at home. Still, I was a bit of a late bloomer in starting it at the age of 33. But I felt that the time was right to go for it. I haven’t regretted it for a day.
How important is your family and your wife in this story?
“Very important. I got to know Sandra during the Carmelite period. But she had nothing at all to do with the hospitality industry. She came from a completely different sector: fashion. But still, she fully supported me in my story from day 1. Filip, if that is your dream, then we are going to realise it together. Fantastic!”
When Corona struck in March this year, did you have fear?
“No, absolutely not! As an entrepreneur, I even see this as an opportunity. That may sound strange for someone who is in a sector that has been hit hard. But I have learned a lot of things in the lockdown, for a start. It was a forced pause, but no less rewarding. For the last 25 years, I have only been constantly busy. To suddenly do nothing was really great. We also chose to keep the costs under control and to try out a new concept of take-away. In it, I mainly make simple but super tasty classics, but brought my way. And that has marched incredibly well! So much so that we had to hire one extra person in the dining room and one extra person in the kitchen today. “So you see, every crisis brings its opportunities.
Finally Filip, what is the achievement you are most proud of?
“Of course that is the restaurant. But at the same time, of course, it is also The Northseachefs that I founded. I think we all have a moral obligation to do what we can to help the planet. In my line of work, that is going back to the basics.
Can you briefly describe what The Northseachefs does?
“Well, with our association we stand for sustainable fishing, with the philosophy that we should eat what the fisherman catches. All members also sign a charter and every month the members receive an activity box with fish, chips etc. that they can use. We are also ultimately a sounding board for consumers, a label that should give them confidence that the restaurant in question works with sustainable fish. Today we have 80 members in Belgium and the Netherlands. It gives me incredible pleasure to see that so many people are committed to what is good and local.
” This is also the reason why I joined Local Exclusives! Because I really believe in the power of the local! Once again, the corona crisis has made it clear that we should not look too far. That we have wonderful products and brands in Belgium.” “We have overlooked that far too much in recent years”. “It’s time we put all that back much more centrally in our lives.”
Thanks Filip!
Info & reservations De Jonkman: website
Info about the Northseachefs: website The Northseachefs
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