After a long period of lockdowns and zoom-calls in sweatpants, the end of this pandemic is finally in sight. This new freedom brings a sense of happiness, openness and exuberance to your wardrobe too! With brightly coloured, bold and playful clothing now everywhere from runway to street style, the fashion industry is successfully entering this post-pandemic era. This style called “dopamine dressing” is said to make the wearer happier. If you want to know how, read on.
What is dopamine
Before I tell you how clothing can make you happier, you first need to know more about what makes you happy, “dopamine”.
How dopamine dressing works
The theory behind dopamine dressing says that the rich sensitive input (colour, shape and texture) of your clothes can stimulate the production of dopamine like other things that make you happy. It’s a selffulfilling prophecy because if you dress cheerfully you feel happy. In general, most people feel happier and more confident when wearing a lot of bright colours but this is not a rule.

Colour in your wardrobe
Colour is a powerful communication tool that affects how people feel and behave. What is associated with each colour is different for everyone but colours have a universal meaning. Green is associated with calm and nature, yellow with happiness and warmth and orange with enthusiasm and sociability. Red is attributed to passion and strength, pink is soft and empathetic, purple is luxurious and imaginative and blue is calm and loyal.

Do it yourself
Dopamine dressing is a trend that truly everyone can wear; man, woman, young, old and everyone in between. With flashy colours, playful silhouettes and artistic prints, no combination is too crazy. This style of clothing gives you the chance to experiment with your favourite items, and all the more reason to wear the ones you’re saving for a special occasion, just because you can.

Does dopamine dressing feel intimidating? It doesn’t have to be. Even if you’re someone who prefers a neutral colour palette, you can still do some dopamine dressing. You can do this by starting with some accessories or details in your outfit in a colour you feel comfortable with. For example, choose shoes, a handbag or jewellery in a flashy colour. This can transform a minimalist look into a unique outfit. You can also go big by wearing a colourful outfit, because dressing out of your comfort zone produces more happiness hormones.

Source:https://www. utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=pinterest_share&epik=dj0yJnU9OGtBQlJySmlTNWJ1T2MxOEhsYTh4bWFkVzhweHhvUEsmcD0wJm49NjVsUmRWV0U5bk1PRWZ5ME54ay1IUSZ0PUFBQUFBR0lVcEI4
Source: https://www.
Wear what you love
The most important and only rule of dopamine dressing is to wear clothing that makes you happy. What kind of clothing this is is different for everyone. The colour yellow makes most people happy, but that doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on you. So find clothes in your wardrobe that you associate with people, things or moments that make you happy and wear them.

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